イングリッシュバス 新潟で一番アットホームな英会話教室! | 025-201-8062 | 新潟市西区山田662-3LinkIconサイト内を検索__LinkIconお問い合わせ




Hi everyone, I was born in Devon, England.
It’s a really beautiful place,especially if you like the countryside.

I moved to Niigata in 2001. In that time I have gained a lot of experience teaching people of all ages.

My hobbies include; playing pool, surfing the net, making things.Eating lots of Pringles and drinking tea. I also like nature, and enjoy spending time outdoors playing with my children.

Please come in and say hello, and let me help you learn or improve your English skills. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose, but the rewards could be many. Hope to see you soon.

Glenn Matthews

みなさん こんにちは。私はイギリスのデボン州で生まれました。




グレン マシューズ